Dr. V Krishnamurthy – Principal Investigator, Dr. M V Uma, Dr. Seema Tharannum ( Co-Investigators): CDAC project of Rs. 6,00,000/- Jan- Dec 2014.
Identification and development of suitable stain and a methodology for identification of pebrine spore in Tasar Silk moth
Pebrine is a class of a highly infectious fungal disease afflicting silk worms. Pebrine spore identification is a challenge that is detrimental to silk yield and hence it is also determinant to the economy. The disease is caused by a microsporidian, the genus being Nosema. The current practice at the field is by identifying Pebrine spores (by extracting sample of tissue from the eighth segment of the mother moth) using the light microscope. The work is to design a simplistic approach, almost fool-proof of identification of Pebrine spores by clearing the matrix interferences using these different chemical agents that would spare the Pebrine spores intact without any modification in their structure but facilitate a fast, sure as well as easy identification by the Pebrine spore readers.
Dr. M S Dinesh –Principal Investigator, Dr. V Krishna Murthy Co Investigator for VTU funded project entitled“Peptides from coelomicfluid of earthworm and study of it’s anticancerous potential”. Total funds sanctioned 6.74 lakhs for two years 2010 and 2014.
In the present study Cytotoxic effect of coelomic fluid from Eudrilus eugeniae was studied on HeLa cell, Colon cancer cells, WBC malignant tumor cells and Brain tumor cells. The result revealed that the coelomic fluid of Eudrilus eugeniae induced cell death in 48hrs and the activity was concentration dependent. This confirms thepresence of cytotoxic molecules in the coelomic fluid of earthworms.
Dr. M S Dinesh – Principal Investigator, Dr. V Krishna Murthy Co Investigator: RGUHS funded Project entitled “Biochemical characterization of coelomicfluid of Eudrilus eugeniae for anticancerous protential” Total fund sanctioned 2 lakhs for two years 2013 to 2014.
In the present study we, isolated the coelomocytes from the coelomicfluid of E.euginiae and cultured in the laboratory using animal cell culture technique using RPMI media. Coelomocytes multiplied in the media over an incubation period of 4 days upto 6X106 cells per ml. The results revealed that coelomocyte culture filtrate induced cytotoxicity to all the cell lines tested. The percent cytotoxicity for HeLa, Colon ,WBC malignant, and Brain tumor cell lines was found to be ranged from 66, 54, 51 and 41 respectively. We also established the molecular evidence for the presence of anticancer peptide gene in the DNA of coelomocytes.
Scholar: Ms. Shubha; Supervior: Dr. Shanthi K N
Antiproliferative effects of Rubia cardifolia and Cardiospermum halicacabum plant extracts on Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Cells
The aim of the project is to understand better plant extract treatment on ALL cell lines at molecular level. The study involves extraction from two plants Rubiacardifolia and Cardiospermum halicacabum.
Scholar: S H Kavitha ; Supervior: Dr. V. Krishna Murthy
Bioprocess innovation study to maximize trans-esterified product from triglycerides obtained from non-edible sources.
The project uses waste oil as feed to be transesterified and produce biodiesel. The chief components of the project are: Feed stock analysis; process optimization and fuel additive, impact, evaluation studies.
Scholar: Ms. Vandana; Supervior: Dr. Shanthi K N
Comparative analysis of phytochemical variability in invivo and invitro propagated plants of Justicia wynaadensis: an endemic medicinal plant
The study involves extraction and characterization of of phytochemicals / secondary metabolites from invivo and invitro plant materials; evaluation of the antimicrobial activity/anti tumor activity of the plant extract followed by comparitive analysis of phytochemicals/secondary metabolites
Scholar: Mrs. Reshma S V; Supervior: Dr. Nagendra
Cloning, expression and characterization of select hypothetical proteins from Halobacterium and Bacillus
The study has the objectives of In silico analysis of the select two hypothetical proteins; Culturing of microorganisms; transformation/expression (Preparation of coding region, cloning and transformation); isolation and purification of hypothetical proteins and partial characterization of these biomolecules.
Scholar: Ms.Angira Bhuyan; Supervior: Dr. Uma M V.
Adaptive response of rhizosphere microflora to waste lubricant oil
The study expolres most suitable microorganisms capable of detoxifying or degrading lubricant oil (fresh and used) and they are chosen from rhizosphere followed by investigating potential of microbes to utilize lubricant oil thus concentrating how to enhance the capacity of microbes to degrade or convert waste lubricant oil to non-toxic compounds.
Scholar: Mr. Bhavanishankar; Supervior: Dr. Shanthi K N
Dr. Shanthi K N , Mr. Bhavanishankar:Development of micropropagation and comparative study of phytochemical constituents of in vivo and in vitro cultures of ecbolium linneanum along with their anti -microbial and anti fungal activities
The objectives of the study are: collection of the plants; production of transgenic plants through Agrobacterium-rhizogenes transformation; extraction of phytochemicals from leaves/ stems /roots /flowers using different solvents; study of anti-microbial and anti-fungal activities of the extract/s; phytochemical screening of the extract/s obtained from in vivo and in vitro cultures and purification and characterization of the phytochemicals.
Scholar: R. Vanishree; Supervior: Dr. V. Krishna Murthy
Studies on molecular effect probability originating from human exposure to environmental Ionizing radiation.
The project comprises of work-environmental quantitation for ionizing radiation to estimate exposure levels, followed by Assay of cell contents and molecular abberational assay of chromosomes. The average ionizing radiation around Bangalore was found to be 1.40 mSv/y with lowest value of 0.70mSv/y and a maximum of 2.90 mSv/y. The radiation during shoot ranged from 0.21 microsievert to 3.21 microsievert per hour which was well beyond the prescribed background radiation. Study also involves microscopic chromosomal examination for aberrations.