Dr. V. Krishna Murthy’s areas of research interests include environmental science and toxicology, occupational health and safety, bioremediation, forensic and food biotechnology.
Dr. Krishna Murthy holds a doctorate in neurochemistry. He has certification as pesticide Residue Analyst from Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India. He has served in Indian Council of Medical Research, Kathmandu University, Nepal and PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore in various capacities.
He has guided research scholars for their PhD degree; mentored, supervised many graduate and post graduate students for their M.E., M.Sc., and B.E., research project dissertations. He has published over 70 articles in professional, peer reviewed science, engineering and medical Journals; He has been a resource person for several training programmes, workshops and delivered guest lectures on topics of occupational hygiene, environment pollution, toxicology.
As Head, Occupational Hygiene Division in Regional Occupational Health Centre in Indian Council of Medical Research, he has completed over 60 projects that relate to human exposure studies to various toxicants prevalent at different workplaces in several industries. Recently he has successfully completed projects on electronic olfaction for biotech applications and development of a generic sensor inter-phase platform. Currently he is the principal investigator for a funded project to develop a method for detecting pebrine spores that infect silkworm moths.