The Centre for Research in Space Science and Technology, called CRSST was established in the year 2017 under the umbrella of CORI, after the successful launch of PISAT (PES Imaging Satellite) on 26 th September 2016. CRSST was established to encourage the design, development, integration and testing of nano and micro student satellites, based on the experience that was gained in developing and operating the nano satellite PISAT. This was also intended to provide students an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in satellite development.
After the successful launch of PISAT, CRSST carried out a funded project from RCI, DRDO to design a microsatellite called RSAT, officially named as Sindhunetra, and it was successfully launched on 28 th Feb 2021 into a polar sun synchronous orbit. With this PES has launched two satellites successfully into space. CRSST has a state-of-the art clean room, ground station control room and an S-band ground station antenna commissioned in PES. Several UG and PG students, Research Associates and Ph.D scholars have benefitted by working in these projects.