[In collaboration with Forus Health Pvt. Ltd.] Conversion of images in jpeg and bmp formats to DICOM and integrating with associated patient records.
[In collaboration with Forus Health Pvt. Ltd.] Study of the feasibility of using iris as a biometric from Nethra oyal’s near-infrared images of the eye.
[In collaboration with the Center for Bioimage Informatics, Carnegie Mellon University] Design of an ImageJ plugin for the active mask segmentation of a 2D z- stack of cell images.
[In collaboration with Humdinger Labs] Mining of social network data and visualization of user groups.
Software tool to track a ser’s performance and automate customized video pause- and-playback to assist self-learning craft through online videos.
Recognition of Kannada optical and handwritten characters and text-to-speech conversion for an automated reading and writing tutorial.
Detection of unidentified (or unclaimed or abandoned) bags and anomalous crowd activity in video recordings.