Tribology of composites
Machining of Composites
Nano Materials
Processing of Metal Matrix Composites Inpainting of damaged pixels in a digital image without distorting undamaged pixels
He holds a doctorate from NIT Trichy. Research interests include honeycomb structures, sandwich structures and laminated composites. Dr.Rajesh has authored over 50 research papers published in refereed International, National Journals and Conferences.
Solidification Analysis of Composites
Fracture Mechanics
Non traditional Machining of Composites
Rapid Prototyping of Composites
His research interests include welding, honeycomb structures, sandwich structures and laminated composites. He holds a doctorate, Master’s and Bachelors from IIT, Madras, Chennai. Dr.Raghupathy has authored over 100 research papers published in refereed International, National Journals and Conferences. Has successfully completed research projects funded by Naval Research Board on Friction stir welding and dynamic impact testing of Composites. Has authored a Text Book on Composite Materials.